Sunday, June 7, 2015

To Be Qualified or Not to be Qualified

 "To be qualified or not to be qualified...

Shakespeare had a magnificent mind and in the eyes of the realtor’s world, I can relate to some of his remarkable ideas and literature.  He had the right idea when it comes to real estate and the pre-qualification/proof of funds process.  Every real estate agent out there knows that they do not want to waste their time or even worse, show houses that could potentially put a buyer in a state that overextends their budget and then they will not be able to afford to keep the house.   So it would seem common sense to make sure that you as a buyer have either proof of funds showing an amount of the purchase price or a pre-qualification letter from a lender. Well that’s our side as a real estate professional.  
Shakespeare also said “My friends were poor, but honest.” (All's Well that Ends Well (1.3.196)) Shakespeare confesses that his friends were all poor but honest. Showing us you can’t always judge a book by its cover. On the side of the buyer, it can be a totally different experience and up to their personal interpretation; which ironically enough show’s both sides to the story. In the mind of a hard working buyer that has a good job and that has prepared for this purchase he may be insulted that a realtor demands a pre-qualification letter from him without even taking time to show him the places.  Yet on the other hand, without the pre-qualifications how can you place a client in the right house?
One persons concept of wealth, is anothers understanding of poverty.” William Shakespeare. There are plenty of agents out there that are thinking; why should I work with this person?  The multi-millionaire looking for water front places can easily be taken back if the agent asks for proof of funds or a letter from his lender before even showing them properties they are interested in. So can the person with poor credit but has the money in the bank. It’s a difficult scenario when dealing with people’s finances.

Now, when I am selling a house for a client; I always request proof of funds or a pre-qualification letter to be submitted by the other real estate agent. This way I can verify for my sellers that the offer is real and we are not taking the home off the market without a real offer; and verified pre-qualification letter or proof of funds.  I am shocked at how many homes that I am selling, that are all cash transactions.  That is the majority of my deals in Lake Worth. “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” Amelia Earhart
Another great mind Albert Einstein said “Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him.” Not all realtors are created equal;some will only work with you if you pre-qualify first and foremost, and others will accommodate you after learning more about you. The trick is finding the right realtor for you!
Lisa King at Blue Chip Lending Services says “Getting pre-approved for a loan should be the first step in your home-buying process. Know what you can afford and make sure you are getting the best mortgage possible. There are many programs to choose from, so you will need to learn about your options before starting the process.  In addition, most real estate agents request that you get pre-approved before they spend time showing you homes. They want to know what you can afford so that they can show you appropriate homes. Sellers want to see a pre-approval letter before accepting your offer or signing a contract with you. Having an official pre approval will save you time and make your home process smoother.”   (Learn why it’s so important to get Pre Approved when buying home from Lisa King at Blue Chip Lending)

Another Remax Prestige Agent Ashley Foland from Lake Worth said, “Sometimes I show them one or two properties, I will only take them out one time without a pre-qualification letter.  I usually give the buyers four lender suggestions, two that work for banks and two that work for private mortgage companies.”  These are some different opinions, and views of other real estate professionals in the area. The process of prequalifying people can be a dangerous game but Wayne Gretzky says “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Therefore I believe that real estate is like any other business and has associated risk. Yet, with proper education and sophistication one can take calculated risks.

Charles Byron Andrews
Remax Prestige

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